We get to 1000, you get a camera

April 27, 2012

I announced this a few months back on facebook and now we’re almost there (!). 999 ‘likes’ on facebook … we’re feeling more loved than ever. Thank you to everyone who has found / followed our visual meanderings over the years. Once we surpass one thousand we’re going to randomly select one of our fans and mail out a Diana Edelweiss edition camera with two rolls of kodak portra 120. Digital cameras are nice and all, but who doesnt need a kick around camera pumped full of sweet, graintastic 120 film.

The winner will be randomly selected and contacted via facebook for their addy. So get on it … tell whoever is next to you at the coffeeshop cause it only takes one. We also want to give away something sweeter at 1500 likes. Spread the word fine photo minions. Again thanks so much for following along and keep snapping.

go HERE to our fb page


images courtesy of