Bustin’ out the Gorilla Pod!

September 9, 2009

This isn’t a sales pitch for the remarkable (yet odd looking) gorilla pod, but it may come off sounding like one. I just pulled it out of the camera closet yesterday to prepare for our upcoming anniversary trip to Palm Springs and Las Vegas (I know … a year already!). We’re not really ones for table top tripods … we’d rather do the hold-you-camera-out-for-a-double-self-portrait thing … but we knew that wasn’t going to work when we went to Paris last October on our honeymoon.
So we picked up the Gorilla Pod and pulled off some pretty amazing photos. Its only 10 inches tall, so some of our photos have the worms-eye action going on … but the ball joints allow it to be attached to poles (or fences, trash cans, etc). See the two examples below of the gorilla pod in action (and yes I did put the D700 on a 4ftX5″ parking post).
We’ll be sure to take some cool photos during our anniversary trip and share them on the blog!